Access related data wherever you need it

Whether for security, logistical, ecological or even marketing purposes, an address contains a lot of information

Enrichment of delivery address with operational and statistic datas

Additional informations related to the delivery address such as GPS coordinates, CO² rating, statistics...

Key figures

1.7 billion

Number of parcels delivered yearly in France


Inoperable addresses rate by TMS


Reduction in the number of miles covered thanks to groupage


The delivery address is anonymous and complies with GDPR regulations, however for logistical or marketing purposes, additional datas for addresses optimize business actions.As examples of complementary and related data to the address, we can mentioned GPS coordinates for a geomarketing analysis, delivery frequency for a city, type of housing (building or individual house) for a deliverer.

Today with society development towards digital, all this information is no longer collected, limiting ecological, societal or even commercial actions.


The Sort&Group address repository includes additional information for each address. All its related data evolves over time and are updated in real time in our databases.

Different kinds of data are available:

  • Operational data: Cadastral GPS coordinates, kind of habitat, kind of zones, door codes, eligibility for drones, etc...
  • Statistical data: Number and frequency of deliveries, CO2 note, etc...


  • Data related to the address/location and not to the person, therefore no GDPR legal duty
  • Available as files or through API
  • CRM compatible
  • Bulk processing capability on high volumes
  • Secure data exchanges

Test for free by submitting a file of 1000 addresses